25 March Grand Aerie Update 3/25 March 25, 2020 By The Fraternal Order of Eagles General 0 Brothers & Sisters, On Sunday, the Governor of Ohio issued a stay-at-home order, requiring all non-essential personnel to remain at home until April 6. We wanted to reach out to you to make you aware of how this will affect the Grand Aerie during this period. The Accounting Department meets government requirements for “essential” personnel and will be in the office each Thursday to process checks, any outstanding vouchers, payroll and to ensure the organization’s finances remain in order. Our paralegal also meets the requirements and will be on site as needed to carry out his respective duties for the good of the Order. Information Technology (IT) staff will be in the office as needed to ensure all systems including the website, MMS and our remote servers continue to function so that the Grand Aerie can remain at full strength. The rest of the office will be working remotely per the state’s orders, responding to emails and voicemails and carrying out their duties until the situation is resolved. We will also have Department Heads checking the facility periodically to ensure everything remains secure throughout the stay-at-home period. As of right now, the Dues schedule will remain the same. Reminders will be sent out on March 30, April 29 and May 30, with dues expiring on May 31 and a grace period extending through June 30, per the Constitution and Statutes. We’ve received many questions and concerns about upcoming local and State/Provincial elections and how to proceed. We want you to know we are working hard on how we are going to handle this and ask everyone to remain patient as we try to find the best solution for all. This is obviously a new situation for all of us, so we’re analyzing all of our options and paying close attention to the happenings around the country. Once we have a finalized plan, we will make all of you aware immediately. We are doing everything in our power to ensure the Grand Aerie Headquarters remains as functional as possible, even through this very delicate time. Additionally, we’ve extended the Grand Aerie’s suspension on traveling through April 6, in compliance with the State of Ohio’s orders. In the event that the state extends the order beyond April 6, we will follow up with an update for everyone. Please stay safe and remain strong. We will weather this storm together! Fraternally, The Fraternal Order of Eagles Board of Grand Trustees Carl Burnett, Chairman Ron Malz, Grand Worthy President Related Articles GWP Burnett Fills Grand Aerie Officer Vacancy Due to the unfortunate passing of Grand Trustee John Noldan, a vacancy was left in the Grand Aerie officer positions. To fill this vacancy, Grand Worthy President Carl Burnett, in concurrence with the Board of Grand Trustees, has made the direction to move all current sitting officers beneath the vacancy, up one position and to fill the vacancy at Grand Outside Guard with William “Bill” Stotko of Everett, Wash., Aerie #13. Grand Convention Update Brothers & Sisters, In recent weeks, we’ve received many questions in regards to the upcoming International Convention in Spokane, Washington, and we wanted to take a moment to clarify a few things moving forward. First, as of right now, the International Convention is still scheduled to take place. If the status of the Convention changes per the orders of the state of Washington, we will let all of you know as quickly as possible through all of our available communication channels. Grand Aerie Reopening Policy Brothers & Sisters, In the last few days, we have received several questions regarding whether or not Aeries are permitted to open for business yet by the Grand Aerie. To clarify, any Aerie permitted by their State/Province to reopen for business, may do so, as long as they are following any necessary guidelines set by the State/Province regarding capacity, social distancing, indoor/outdoor seating, etc. Any Aeries still affected by shutdown orders MUST remain closed until those orders are lifted. Once those orders are lifted, you may resume business operations in the capacity allowed by your State/Province. Grand Aerie Operations Notice Brothers & Sisters, In order to protect the health of our employees and to continue to provide you with uninterrupted service, the Grand Aerie Headquarters will be operating with a limited number of staff members in the building each day. Those not in the office will be working remotely to answer your questions. As we are located in Grove City, Ohio, we will be following the recommendations of the State of Ohio and will continue operating in this manner until further notice. Grand Trustee John Noldan Passes Away Brothers and Sisters, It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Grand Trustee John Noldan, 66, of pancreatic cancer. John was a proud and dedicated Eagle, firmly committed to upholding the Ritual and serving the Fraternal Order of Eagles in every way he could. He is survived by his loving wife, Kat, four children and nine grandchildren. Dallas Aerie #3108 Dedicates BBQ Competition to Fighting Human Trafficking For the past six years, Dallas Aerie #3108 has hosted their annual BBQ competition. However, last September, they decided that everyone’s love of BBQ should be leveraged to help a good cause. Due to fellow Eagles member Chad Frymire’s involvement with Dallas Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and his board position on the North Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NTCAHT), Dallas #3108 decided that all funds raised during the BBQ would be donated to NTCAHT. Showing 0 Comment Comments are closed.