People Helping People


People Helping People

Charity news from around the F.O.E.

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South Central Region - January 2017

On very rare occasions do members from each of the respective levels gather to teach and share in the fraternal spirit. At the South Central Regional Conference on Oct. 22-24, hosted by Saint Joseph, Mo., #49, such an event happened. Pictured, l to r, are Grand Madam President Judy Johnson of Lawrence, KS #309; South Central Regional President Linda Wheeler of Wyandotte, KS #87; Missouri State Madam President Linda Riggs of Springfield, MO #3934; Missouri District #1 Auxiliary President Donna Barker of Bethany, MO #2534; and Marceline, MO Auxiliary #726 President Carol Baker.

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Coldwater, Michigan - January 2017

Coldwater Eagles #1907 held their annual Cash Cow event and Family Picnic, raising $900 for the Victim Services Unit of the Branch County Sheriff’s Department. Pictured, front row, l to r, Barb Rode, Vice President and member of the Victim Services Unit Amy Bryant and Michelle Shilling; back row, Eva Barrow, Sally Parks, Bonnie Halferty, Marcia Knight, Dorothy Barrow and Shannon Stickel.

Lake Havasu City, Arizona - January 2017

The Lake Havasu City Eagles held their Miss Mess 2016 event, raising $1,280 for cancer causes. Pictured, l to r, were PWP Dean Beard, PWP & State Trustee Bill Earle, AZ President-Elect Bob Lee, Conductor Mike Frieboes, PWP Paul Mosher, Treasurer Wally Lowe, Past Miss Mess Steve Hendrix, member Bob Galletti, Vice President Mike Nickell & AZ State President Steve Farmer.

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Columbus, Nebraska - January 2017

This year, the Auxiliary of Columbus #1834 voted to make the Inclusive Playground their special project. For more than three years, Jeri Furby has served as the Auxiliary’s Jimmy Durante Children’s Fund chairman and has been raising money for the project. During a recent meeting, the Auxiliary discussed the option of making this their local project for the year. With the help of the Auxiliary’s bingo event, Karen Penington, Bingo Chairman, recommended a $1,000 donation. The vote was unanimous.

Teachers and Para’s led by Megan Johnson, an Autism teacher at Lost Creek School, started working on this dream to build an inclusive play environment that would serve the physical, social, sensory, cognitive and emotional needs of all children in the community, regardless of disability. After lots of work, the dream is becoming a reality. A place where children with special needs can spin, swing, slide and roll alongside their friends – a place where they are not defined by their disability but by the joy, laughter and play of childhood. It will be housed at Lost Creek Elementary.

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Minnesota - January 2017

While serving as State President of the Minnesota Eagles Auxiliary in 2015-2016, Mary Lee chose Hospice of the Red River to be her charity. Various Eagles fundraisers at the state and local level and the Past Presidents Club of Detroit Lakes #2342 helped raise $18,642.76 for the Hospice. The check was presented to Jane Bartholomay during the local Eagles’ Auxiliary’s 55th Anniversary Celebration.

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Vermillion, South Dakota - January 2017

Sunshine Aerie #2421 in Vermillion presented a grant for $5,000 from the D.D. Dunlap Kidney Fund to University of South Dakota researchers Curtis Kost, Jr., PhD and Douglas Martin, PhD for a project entitled Protective Effect of Bradykinin Receptors in Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease. The check was presented by visiting Grand Worthy President-Elect Tom McGrath. Pictured, l to r, Quentin Larson, Grand Aerie Legal Advisor Creighton Thurman, Dr. Curtis Kost Jr., Dr. Douglas Martin, Dakota State Outside Guard Kent Osborne and Grand Aerie President-Elect Tom McGrath.