People Helping People


People Helping People

Charity news from around the F.O.E.

3928 DRC Donate Tom Mcg.jpg

Russellville, Arkansas - May 2019

On April 14, the family of longtime member Virginia “Ginny” Watson, of Russellville, Ark., Auxiliary #3928, made a donation of $40,000 to the Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center in Ginny’s honor. Ginny joined the Eagles in 1980 and was member until her passing in 2015. She was a dedicated Eagle and a proud supporter of the DRC’s efforts to find a cure for diabetes. F.O.E. Chairman of the Board of Grand Trustees Tom McGrath was on hand to thank the family and present them with a special plaque commemorating the donation. A similar plaque will be permanently on display inside the DRC to honor Ginny.

Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas - February 2017

For the last 20 years, Horseshoe Bend #3431 has given presents to area children through its annual Christmas event. Last year, 51 boys and 46 girls received ages 2-12 received presents. Each child received a gift and an entry into a drawing for one of 20 bicycles. Member Betty Swanson has chaired the event for the last three years and spends her time calling area businesses for donations. This year, $2,800 in gifts were distributed.
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Arkansas - January 2017

Arkansas Past State Worthy President Paul Szecsi and Past State Madam President Georgianna McKown presented a total of $52,460.58 to the Arkansas Children’s Hospital – Angel One. The money was raised during the 2015-2016 Eagle year to help fund the helicopter transport project. Pictured are PSWP Paul Szecsi, Arkansas Children’s Hospital Spokesperson Megan Brick, PSMP Georgianna McKown, Kellie Kendrick and Max Riley, Ways and Means Chairmen.