People Helping People


People Helping People

Charity news from around the F.O.E.

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Brunswick, Maryland - August 2019

At the July 22, meeting of Brunswick Auxiliary #1136, Brunswick, MD, a motion was made to dedicate the most recent class of initiated candidates to Brunswick's own Angela D. Armstrong for her untiring support and leadership in this Auxiliary, the State Auxiliary, and the Grand Auxiliary. 

Angela was formally inducted into the Grand Auxiliary Hall of Fame on July 8, 2019, in Louisville, Ky., during the annual Ladies’ Auxiliary Banquet. 

Pictured L-R standing: Faye Williams, Reta Cooper, Mary Miller, Peggy Pearl, Denise Ball, and Jaclyn Beachley. Seated: Angela D. Armstrong

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Cresaptown, Maryland - June 2019

Madam President of Cresaptown Auxiliary #2883, Kathy Hare, chose to assist in the purchase of up-dating the playground equipment of the Cresaptown Elementary School as her charity project. With the help of the Aerie and Auxiliary membership, the school students and parents, teachers and community participation, a gift of $12,500 was given for the playground project. Grand Worthy President Carl Burnett made a special visit during the check presentation to the school Principal Scott Llewellyn, Assistant Principal Staci Noah and PTO President Joy Tabb.


Cresaptown, Maryland - July 2018

- For her 2017-2018 charity project, Madam President Kathy Hare of Cresaptown Auxiliary #2883 presented a $10,000 check to the Kenny Alkire Family Foundation with the help of the Aerie and Auxiliary. In memory of Kenny Alkire, the foundation will use the money to serve children and young adults who are affected by cancer. 

- Cresaptown Auxiliary #2883 donated $3,715 to the Greater Maryland Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Associate. The Auxiliary raised the money by hosting a fundraiser that included a vendor show, ham dinner, bake sale, and a Chinese auction. 

- Cresaptown Auxiliary #2883 made a donation of $2,750 to the Breast Cancer Patients Assistance Fund of the Western Maryland Health System Foundation.


Maryland - July 2018

- Maryland State Aerie and Auxiliary raised over $34,000 for Alzheimer's Association Greater Maryland Chapter during JPSMP Mary Wilson and JPSWP Tommy Booth’s joint State Presidents Charity for the 2017 – 2018 Fraternal year. 

- 2016-2017 State President Charlie Spiker presented a check for $28,226 to the Western Maryland Health System Foundation. Spiker named the WMHS Schwab Family Cancer Center as his designated charity. The check represents the fundraising efforts of the Aerie and Auxiliary members of Cresaptown #2883 and Frostburg #1273, and the Maryland State Aerie.

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Frederick, Maryland - February 2018

Frederick Aerie #1067 held their annual membership Christmas Party, asking all attendees to make a donation of $5 to benefit a local charity, the Heartly House. Members were also asked to donate a wrapped gift to be auctioned off during the party, also benefiting Heartly House. Thanks to these efforts and a 50/50, $918 dollars were collected. The Aerie approved to add $82 to the money, making a total donation of $1,000 for Heartly House, which provides comprehensive services for victims and survivors of intimate partner abuse, sexual assault and child abuse. Pictured, Jr Past Worthy President Larry Keyser, Heartly House representative Mark Trager and Aerie Treasurer Treena Bell.